The park & art in public space

Contemporary needs
The Wilhelminapark in Breda is a 129-year-old landscape park that has been adapted in various ways over the years to meet current needs. The idea is to restore Leonard Springer's original design, if possible, but with an eye to current times and contemporary needs.

Contemporary art visions
Witte Rook was asked to supervise an art vision process - which would result in proposals for various art applications. Community spirit, sustainability, stories, greenery, and experience have been key words in outlining the four directions; ecology, audio, symbiosis and light. Art visions without pedestals, but with imagination.

As project leader of Witte Rook, I had the honor to guide the artists in developing their art vision. — As an artist, that was of course also very cool, because I was able to take a look behind the scenes and into the creating process of (very nice) colleagues.

On December 19, 2023, all art visions were festively presented by Chis Kivied and Lars van Vianen (light), de Onkruidenier (ecology), Pip Passchier (symbiosis) and Paul Devens (audio). All proposals were well received by neighboring residents and the municipality of Breda. At the moment we will continue working on the realization of the art visions.

Various authors have written articles about the art visions and the artists.
Read all about it here

Manuela Porceddu

Artist investigating the intersections of bodies, landscapes, belonging and lanuage. Drawing on Deleuze’s rhizome and Ingold’s ‘lines of correspondence,’ I explore (un)rooting, memory, and connection through photography, video, and drawing. My process begins with walking and observing, reflecting on how we internalize place and connection.

A winter walk through the Zaartpark

