Archiving The Catalogue, Berlin Residency
Archiving The Catalogue, Berlin Residency
9 oktober 2009 - 21 februari 2012, Residency Berlin.
11 - 13 februari 2010, Performatieve workshop: ‘COYOTL Yournal — Archiving the Catalogue’.

The archive and the catalogue
Within every urban area lays a rich archive of historical, present and future stories, myths, social fiction and alternative cartography. During my stay in Berlin from October 2009 until February 2010, I researched and collected materials about the city. These materials, mixed up with previous Yournal editions, are now in my temporary archive where it poses the question of accessibility, selection and publication.
A 3D grid, installed in my Flutgraben studio, just like the grids on maps forms this archive, which will serve as a cataloguing manufacture. During the performative workshop, a constant flow between the catalogue making and the archive will be installed. In the course of this flow we will question the performance of the classical catalogue and any post-editing processes of artistic events: documentation, cataloguing, archiving beyond copyright and disciplinary regulations. Our mission is to create a public space for artistic research while opening up artistic research for public use.
During the 3-day workshop there are interventions — The lectures, interviews, projections and performances deal with the importance of artistic research, critical graphic design and the need for archiving, documenting and collecting in the context of COYOTL Yournal.
COYOTL is an initiative of Joël Verwimp and Nicolas Y Galeazzi and was developed over the past months in Helsinki (Baltic circle festival), New York (apexart) and at the Roter Salon (Volksbühne Berlin). The generated editions will now be considered anew during a three day research activity by Manuela Porceddu and six guest appearances in an economy of mutual dependency.
the Yournal — COYOTL Yournal is a permanent workbook in constant flow of dissemination. In a chain-reaction of events the Yournal unfolds itself as shared content dispersing performance on paper. At Flutgraben it now will be handed over to the guest editor and graphic designer Manuela Porceddu (NL/I).
The Yournal performs as a workbook, for which the methods of creating content, editing and disseminating are proposed by the invited participants and the general public, generated by its guest editor.
Thu. 02 – 11 | Performative workshop
16.00 - 22.00, Joël Verwimp, Nicolas Y Galeazzi & Manuela Porceddu.
Start the chain reaction
Fri. 02 – 12 | Performative workshop
16.00 - 22.00, J. Verwimp, N.Y. Galeazzi & M. Porceddu.
Performing the manufacture
Lecture Nina Støttrup Larsen, Graphic designer, DK/NL
19.00|‘Around and towards the Tomorrow Book’
Lecture Ben Laloua / Didier Pascal, Graphic designer, NL
20.00|‘Graphic design for the city’
Interview with Alexis Zavialoff
21.00|Director MOTTO Bookshop
Sat. 02 – 13 | Performative workshop
16.00 - 21.00, J. Verwimp, N.Y. Galeazzi & M. Porceddu.
Performing the manufature
Performance Florian Feigl. Video – Artist, GE
20.00, Prologue for 300
Film screening
A Communications Primer (1953) by Ray & Charles Eames
Performative workshop
21.00 | J. Verwimp, N.Y. Galeazzi & M. Porceddu.
Interrupting the chain reaction