Exhibition ‘rivier, boot, stad’

I am very proud to announce that the exhibition ‘rivier, boot, stad’, by artist Edward Clydesdale Thomson, will open from 21st September! The exhibition will be on display until March 2025 at the Dordrechts Museum. Over the course of these six months, the sculptures made from the fragments of the boat will be placed at the locations where they originally broke off from the vessel.

For me personally, it has been an incredible journey, sitting between Edward’s team and the team at the Dordrechts Museum. My role as a community builder crossed into various other roles and tasks, contributing to a vast accumulation of knowledge about how to set up, guide, execute, and contribute to a major public artwork that was ambitious, controversial, and at times considered impossible. I am extremely proud of the result of the exhibition, but what I am especially pleased with is the experience of understanding what it truly means in today’s world to create a work for public space, where history, heritage, politics, and ownership are key subjects.

Read more on the website of Dordrechts Museum or on the website of rivier, boot, stad.

Manuela Porceddu

Artist investigating the intersections of bodies, landscapes, belonging and lanuage. Drawing on Deleuze’s rhizome and Ingold’s ‘lines of correspondence,’ I explore (un)rooting, memory, and connection through photography, video, and drawing. My process begins with walking and observing, reflecting on how we internalize place and connection.


Binnen/Buiten Salon Pictura 2024

