Binnen/Buiten Salon Pictura 2024
Three new works on show during the group exhibition Binnen Salon and during the special Buiten Salon.
The Salon der Leden 2024 will both take place inside and outside the walls of Pictura this anniversary year!
During two weekends, 12 & 13 October and 26 & 27 October, visitors can walk a route along 25 locations in the city center. Here there are also presentations by the same artists in the city: in public places, in shops and in homes. The Salon will be festively concluded with a finissage and the presentation of the Pictura and the public prize on Sunday 3 November 2024. The Salon Binnen can be visited from 29-09 / 3-11.
My work in the Binnen Salon are two videos where I investigate the way bodies (and objects) can store, memorise and internalise the sense of belonging. In the first video I talk with my mother about migration and the foreign language she had to learn after immigrating to the Netherlands. In the second video we talk about the possibility of having a body and a heart separated between places.
During the Buiten Salon in the weekend of 26 & 27 October, artist Frans van Lent and I were guest in the beautiful house of the dearest Paul van der Eerden and Joke Becu. There I showed a video in where I search for the shared landscapes I have with my mother.
Clip of video
Clip of video
Detail of video Alignment - Through Places of Belonging